Monday, December 31, 2012

Introducing Ludo

The horse pasture is up a hill from my house. Not a huge hill, but big enough that manually hauling hay up it is not an easy task. My friend Alex was a hero and hauled the first load of 20 bales up the hill, but I needed a way to do it myself for future loads.

So I got a new toy!

Its name is Ludo, after the big red friendly devoted monster thing in Labyrinth.

Ludo's namesake
It's pretty sweet: two and four-wheel drive, winch, snow plow, and dump truck style bucket on back. [When I first called the seller, he asked me if it was a gift for someone (ie, someone male). I'll let it slide since it was around Christmas, but this lady can drive an ATV with the rest of 'em! Not to mention all the truckin' and trailerin' I've done.]

Alex and I took turns playing with it to plow out the driveway on my rental house.

Once I get chains for the tires, Ludo will be put to work hauling hay, etc. Assuming I don't get it stuck like I did my car...but now I have a winch to pull myself out with.

In other news, the rental house is officially off my hands. As for the BBA title issues, two of the kids have signed the paperwork. Two down, two to go, plus the barn/neighbor's land issue to resolve. But I still remain optimistic!

Also, BB Acres is entirely legit now that I have an official sign, courtesy of Tyler and Mary!

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