I went to the Portland airport on Friday to pick up my mom, and got a two-fer deal - my dad had come along as a surprise! He was only able to stay for the weekend, but we got a lot done while he was here. The original plan (when I thought it was just my mom) was to pack up my rental house the whole weekend, but with Dard here we were able to do quite a few "handyman" projects around the farm. Three trips to Home Depot later, I was all set with the various tools and implements necessary for running a farmette!
With my dad's help, we were able to:
- Take down the fence at the rental house
- Put in all the t-posts for the horse fence
- Attach lattice to the porch to make it escape-proof for the dogs
- Assemble a workbench
- Put up peg board and hang tools
- Take down a pigeon coop
- Unstick three barn doors
- Build a railing
- Tack in a carpet runner on the stairs
- Install a dehumidifier
- Put in driveway markers
Not bad for a weekend's work! There were also many accomplishments in the lobster department. Between the three of us, we had: lobster roll, lobster stew, lobster cutlets, lobster bisque, fried lobster, lobster pie, lazyman's lobster, and lobster omelette.
After seeing Dard off at the airport, my mom and I put in a few hours of packing last night. She will continue to pack today while I make the big bucks at work, and then tomorrow the movers come to get all the big stuff! I'll be home for Christmas.
Wowza, you guys did a lot! congrats on the farm. Bring some lobster, haven't had decent lobster in many a year.