Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The Great Escape

I came home yesterday after work to find a note taped on the door from the local animal control officer, asking me to call him. My first thoughts were that someone had complained about Hobbes being a pit mix or that the local zoning meant I couldn't have horses (even though I had checked before agreeing to purchase).

I did not consider the idea that the horses had gotten out and were running down the highway half a mile downhill from the farm. Which is what had happened.

After canvassing the entire neighborhood, the animal control officer finally talked to someone who thought they had come from my place. By the time the dust had settled, the horses had found their way back to the farm, where the animal control officer put them in the barn and closed the door.

I've seen the Horse Whisperer. I know what happens when horses get hit by vehicles. I also haven't met many of my neighbors. With the combination of someone knowing where the horses belonged and the horses not getting injured/killed, I lucked out big time. In fact, I think I have used up a few years' worth of luck between Tanner's kick not doing any damage and the horses running down the highway and returning without being injured.

The electric fence wasn't on (for various reasons) and my guess is that Apollo chased Tanner through the fence, since the gate hooks were ripped out from both the barn wall and the opposite wooden post.  Needless to say, the electricity is now on. I will also be dropping cards introducing myself and giving my contact information into neighbors' mailboxes.

I am still dismayed. My mild-mannered pony has become a hardened criminal! First he kicked me, then he participated in a jailbreak. Can you believe that of him, the horse who good-naturedly put up with me taking this picture??


He's lucky he's so cute.

Happy New Year everyone! My resolutions this year include carrying my cell phone with me at all times and making sure the fencing stays intact and electrified. And not testing my luck any further.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kels,

    Congratulations on your beautiful farmette! I am enjoying reading along with your adventures. Wishing you all the best. :-)

