Friday, April 26, 2013

TGIF 4.26.13

Hallelujah! Friday has arrived!

This is what I feel like doing tonight:

Funny story: The day after I got the ducklings, I let them loose in the pond to play. However, being the skittish creatures they are, I couldn't get them out again. And they were still too little to manage to get up the bank on their own. So I had to wade in and get them, forgetting that I had my cell phone in my pocket. After getting a new cell phone, I'm only letting them play in the stream until they're bigger.

Stuff that made me smile this week:


Text of first note: "Dear Neighbor - This is going to seem ridiculous, but I thought you should know that my dog (who lives next door @[redacted] with me) is madly in love with your cat...and has been for probably 6 months! Three x a day, he puts his paws on our railing to look @ him/her in your windowsill. Now that you have potted plants there, he is heartbroken...but keeps looking for your cat every time. Maybe your plants to switch to a different window??! From, Your neighbor + her adoring dog!"

Text of second note: "FOR TRUE LOVE!"



Enjoy your weekend, everybody!

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