Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Gettin' Stuff Done

I had a CT scan this morning, which revealed a couple things. The first, most useful and least interesting, is that I have two kidney stones in my right kidney; one is on the border of being too big to pass on its own. I have to see a urologist, who can either use a scope or shockwaves to break up the stone. Now that I think about it, that shockwave thing is pretty interesting.

So check off "not dying from kidney failure" on my to-do list!

The second thing, least useful and most interesting, is that I have two ureters coming out of my right kidney. Apparently this is a relatively common congenital renal condition; it occurs in about 1% of the population. I was feeling pretty special until I realized what 1% of 6 billion is (60 million). And the nephrologist said that about half of people don't have textbook renal anatomy. Either way, it's not medically significant; I just have two ureters that combine into one before connecting with the bladder.

Here's a picture of some random's kidneys that may resemble my kidneys:

I think the funniest thing about this revelation is that I had a panic moment as I was undergoing the CT scan: What if they find something hideously deformed? WHAT IF I WAS BORN A BOY AND MY PARENTS NEVER TOLD ME? (That is an actual thought that went through my head.) I'm glad it ended up being more like the first thought than the second.

The three other blondes are also mutants: Hobbes has no arch to his feet and his shoulders are all funny and his tail is crooked and basically his whole body is mutated. Finch has double dew claws in the back.  Tanner has ringbone on one leg, where bone grew around a joint. It's only fitting that the fourth Blonde Bomber is a mutant too. Mutant pride! Might as well start my own X-Men school.

Besides finding the answer to my kidney problem, I also took the plow off of the four wheeler until I have the pieces to fix the winch. This way I could at least haul hay to the barn. Tanner thoughtfully helped to clear the hay remnants from the back of Ludo, ignoring the much-bigger, easier-to-eat, less-chance-of-containing-screws pile of hay behind him.

I'm counting that as a thing accomplished, even if I just left the plow stranded in the driveway.

I'm slowly getting the wallpaper down...slowly. Bit by bit. However, I tried to paint the bathroom this past weekend but was thwarted by the old paint chipping off in places. So I have more prepwork to do there.

All in all, things are gettin' done. I am ready for spring to come so I can get more stuff outside done!

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