Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Rockin' Her Socks

Having never owned/been around a donkey before, I'm learning a lot of new things.

For example, donkeys have a much better memory retention than horses. Also, flies really bug them (heh, see what I did there?).

Hattie has bloody scabs all up and down her legs. Thank the little lord baby Google for the internet, because I was able to find out that donkeys just are super sensitive to fly bites, and it wasn't some kind of ebola/necrotizing plague.

So what to do? For just a paltry $300, I could get two pairs of these very fashionable "Fly Pants:"

Another recommendation was fly ointment for wounds, but my local Tractor Supply Co didn't have any.  But I did get the supplies for the third internet recommendation.


With some cut up socks and vet wrap, Hattie is the most fashionable, fly-free donkey around.

The more you know.

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