Friday, August 16, 2013

Gathering the Ark

I'm sure exactly none of you will be surprised to hear of another animal acquisition.

So meet Skitters!

Skitters is a 9-week-old kitten that I picked up last weekend. A relative of a friend had taken in a stray cat without realizing she was preggers, and needed to get rid of some kitties. How could I say no??


Even better, he has polydactyly, meaning he has like a whole extra paw on his front feet. Instead of the normal 4 toes, he has 7 in the front paws and 5 in the back. MUTANTS UNITE!

 He gets along pretty well with the dogs, although Hobbes won't walk past him. He does allow Skitters to attack his tail, so Skitters is pretty happy about that.

Nellie on the other hand, is not a happy camper.  Someone, though I won't name names (COUGHfatcatCOUGH), peed on my bed a couple days after Skitters came home. Just try getting stuck in a tree now, Nellie, and see if I'll come rescue you...

The bedroom door remains closed, Nellie goes out during the day, and an uneasy peace settles at night when they're both inside. Success!

This means that I now have a pair of male and female dogs, male and female cats, male and female horses, and male and female ducks. Most of them can't reproduce, but bring on the flood anyway!

1 comment:

  1. We had a cat with extra toes too! So cute!!!!!!
