Thursday, May 23, 2013


At the risk of sounding like a crazy pet dogs are awesome. They crack me up all the time.

For example:

I went to put the dogs away so I could leave for work this morning, and realized that I had left Finch outside after feeding the horses. She likes to dawdle outside doing her own thing, so I figured I'd have to yell for her. But this is what I saw instead:

Waiting patiently

Example number two:
When the ducks are on land, the dogs like to watch them but don't care that much about them.

However, when the ducks are in the pond, it's like they're made of sweet, delicious, unattainable bacon.

The dogs circle the pond, dipping their front paws in at various points, wading in to their bellies on the shallow end, whining when the ducks are still out of reach.

Neither of the dogs like swimming, so it was pretty entertaining and harmless to watch the ducks nonchalantly gliding around while the dogs went crazy on the banks.

Until I was momentarily looking away and heard a big commotion. I turned around to see this:

Hobbes was terrorizing the ducks, separating them which made them even more traumatized. I called Hobbes over to the edge so he would get out...he had wide eyes that seemed to say What happened?? What do I do now?!

I figured he had accidentally fallen in and just decided to go for it while he was in the water. Except that the next time we were all outside he launched himself in the pond again, effectively cannonballing the ducks into chaos.

Poor ducks.

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