Friday, March 29, 2013

TGIF 3.29.13

Welp, I had my kidney stone blasted today. I like to imagine it was like the Death Star blowing up Alderaan.

I won't know for a while yet whether Big Tex has been broken into lots of tiny pieces or not , but it doesn't hurt to pee anymore!

My friend's husband fixed my phone line and internet for me -- hooray! However, the internet is suuuuuper slow.  This is exactly what it feels like:

Well except for the whole peepee thing.

If you don't already like Colonel Meow on Facebook, do so immediately. He is the coolest-looking cat evar. Become his minion. ]:<

In other news, look at my dogs being adorable.

And finally, it feels like spring!!! This is the song I usually sing in celebration. [Seriously, if you haven't ever watched Milo & Otis, do it.]

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